The 27th international conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI), June 28th – June 30th, 2021.

IPMI 2021
The 27th international conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI) was held online from June 28th – June 30th, 2021. The IPMI conference series focuses on novel developments in the acquisition, formation, analysis and display of medical images. IPMI places the highest importance on high-quality submissions coupled with presentations and thorough discussions of the presented contributions. IPMI 2021 continued the scientific focus and traditions established in 26 prior conferences over the last 50 years.

IPMI 2021 award winners
59 excellent papers were presented at IPMI 2021. Of these, the following 5 presenters were awarded for excellent presentations, papers, answers to questions after their presentations, and contribution to the conference as a whole:
- Erbsmann award: Kris Campbell. For the presentation of the paper: “Structural Connectome Atlas Construction in the Space of Riemannian Metrics”.
- Honorable mention: Andrew Hoopes. For the presentation of the paper: “Hypermorph: Amortized Hyperparameter Learning for Image Registration”.
- Honorable mention: Suprosanna Shit. For the presentation of the paper: “Velocity-To-Pressure (V2P) – Net: Inferring Relative Pressures from Time-Varying 3D Fluid Flow Velocities”.
- Best poster award: Lianrui Zuo. For the presentation of the paper: “Information-based Disentangled Representation Learning for Unsupervised MR Harmonization”.
- Best poster award: Jose J. Bouza. For the presentation of the paper: “A Higher Order Manifold-valued Convolutional Neural Network with Applications in Diffusion MRI Processing”.
In the US vs. the rest of the world soccer match, the US won a convincing 9-0 victory. The online soccer game was organized and chaired by Steffen Czolbe.
IPMI 2021 was a carbon neutral conference. CO2 emissions from activities related to the conference have been compensated for by afforestation by Grow For It.
Future IPMI organizer?
The IPMI board currently invites proposals to host IPMI 2027 in North America. Please contact Stefan Sommer (IPMI board chair) for more information.
- June 30th, 2021: IPMI 2021 was concluded with the IPMI history talk by Andrew Todd-Pokropek, the presentation of IPMI 2023 by Alex Frangi, and the awards ceremony. Thank you to all participants for your contributions to the conference from the IPMI 2021 organizing team.
- June 30th, 2021: Last day of IPMI 2021. Thanks so far for the great talks, poster presentations and discussions. We are looking forward to the presentations today, the IPMI history talk and the soccer match.
- June 28th, 2021: If you lost connection to the venue during session 3, it is due to an issue on the side of and VirtualChair. You should be able to log back in now.
- June 28th, 2021: Some common issues and fixes when experiencing problems connecting to is described at Please contact if you cannot get access to the virtual venue.
- June 28th, 2021: IPMI 2021 is running. It is the first day of this IPMI, and it is amazing to see all of you in the venue, to hear the talks and to meet you at the posters.
- June 23rd, 2021: All posters and poster teaser videos/oral prerecordings are now online and accessible via the program and the poster group page. You are already now welcome to use the discussion forum on the pages for the papers. All posts will be moderated. Paper authors can subscribe to get notifications for comments on their papers.
- June 20th, 2021: The IPMI 2021 proceedings are now online and freely accessible for the conference participants.
- June 15th, 2021: Please note that all times in the program are Central European Summer Time (CEST, UTC +2).
- May 25th, 2021: Instructions to presenting authors (both oral and poster presenters) have been sent out via email. Please contact the organizers with any questions regarding presentations, teasers, prerecordings of talks, posters, etc.
- May 17th, 2021: We have received registrations for IPMI 2021 from just above 120 participants. We designed the virtual venue for this number of attendees which is also in line with the number of participants at previous IPMIs. Please contact the organizing team at for inquiries about registrations, including possibility for late registrations.
- May 13th, 2021: IPMI 2021 has registered participants from all around the globe. We have paid particular attention to this when planning the program.
- May 6th, 2021: We are currently in the final phase of negotiations with a virtual conference provider regarding the virtual venue. We expect to use a environment specifically designed for IPMI 2021. More information at the venue page.
- April 26, 2021: The tentative program is now online.
- April 20, 2021: Registration for IPMI 2021 is now open.
- March 19, 2021: IPMI 2021 will be fully virtual.
- February 12 2021: Notifications have been announced. IPMI 2021 received 204 submissions of which 200 papers went into peer review. Of these, 59 publications were accepted for publication and presentation at the conference, resulting in a 30% acceptance rate. Authors have received notification today, Friday Feb. 12.
We thank all authors for submitting to IPMI, all reviewers for doing excellent and timely reviews, and the paper selection committee for evaluating and making decisions on paper acceptance. We are looking very much forward to presentation of the accepted papers at the conference in June. - December 16 2020: The Lundbeck foundation has granted financial support to IPMI 2021, supporting both our publication and dissemination efforts and leading to reduced attendance fees for junior participants.
- December 12: We have received a high number of submitted papers for IPMI 2021. The review process has started, and notification of acceptance/rejection will be announced in the second half of February 2021.
- December 1, 2020: Paper registration and submission deadlines have been extended, see submission page for full submission information including updated deadlines.
- November 2020: The IPMI 2021 CMT site is open for submissions, see submission instructions.
- October 2020: See updated information regarding COVID-19 and IPMI below.
- October 2020: The Otto Mønsted foundation has decided to support IPMI 2021 financially. We are extremely grateful for the generous support from the foundation.
- September 2020: We are excited to announce Danish translational neurobiologist and clinical neurologist Gitte Moos Knudsen as a keynote speaker at IPMI. Professor Knudsen is leading the Center for Experimental Medicine Neuropharmacology (NeuroPharm) at the Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, director of the Center for Integrated Molecular Brain Imaging (Cimbi), director of the Center for Experimental Medicine Neuropharmacology (NeuroPharm), and PI of the strategic alliance BrainDrugs.
- July 2020: The Carlsberg foundation has granted support for IPMI 2021 allowing us to support the participation of outstanding young postdocs and PhD students at the conference.
- 07/01/2020: IPMI 2021 is featured in the July 2020 issue of Computer Vision News.
IPMI 2021 will be fully virtual
We had looked so much forward to welcoming the IPMI community to Bornholm this summer. However, with the pandemic still affecting large parts of the world, and with the safety and health of the participants being our first priority, we are forced to make IPMI 2021 a fully virtual conference. We will do our utmost to keep as many of the aspects that make IPMI a special conference in the online version. We are looking very much forward to seeing the IPMI community virtually at the conference in June.
Organizing committee
Stefan Sommer (UCPH), Aasa Feragen (DTU/UCPH), Mads Nielsen (UCPH), Julia Schnabel (KCL)